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Shipping and Return Policy


We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase from Twin Cosmetics. You may return most unopened products within 7 days of delivery for a refund, however the cost of the return shipping (if applicable) will be deducted from the refund issued to you. Please contact us at to begin the return process. Please place your name and order # in the subject line and include images of the product(s) you would like to return. Upon review, customer support will provide you with further instructions if your return is accepted.

Note: Original shipping fees paid by you are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, original shipping fees (if applicable) will also be deducted from your refund total.

Please allow up to 10 business days for the refund to be applied back to your original method of payment.


If you need to cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible. We understand that circumstances may change, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. However, please note the following conditions:

Timely Cancellation: Orders can only be cancelled before they are shipped. Once your order has been shipped, it cannot be cancelled.

Cancellation Process: To cancel your order, please contact our customer service team at: with your order number and request for cancellation.

Refund for Cancelled Orders: If your order is eligible for cancellation, we will issue a full refund to the original payment method within 10 days.

Please note that we reserve the right to refuse cancellation requests if the order has already been processed or shipped.


At Twin Cosmetics, we strive to ensure that every order is delivered accurately and in perfect condition. However, if you encounter any issues with your order such as receiving damaged or defective products, or if there are any discrepancies, please follow these steps:

Contact Us: Immediately notify our customer service team at with your order number and details of the issue.
Photographic Evidence: Please provide clear photographic evidence of the issue, including the damaged or defective items, as well as any discrepancies with your order.
Resolution: Depending on the nature of the issue, we will work with you to provide a suitable resolution, which may include a replacement, exchange, or refund.
Return Process: If a return is necessary, we will provide instructions on how to return the damaged or defective items. We may cover return shipping costs in such cases.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that we will do our utmost to resolve the issue promptly and satisfactorily. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
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